No task will be so sordid and base provided you obey your calling in it, that it will not shine and be reckoned very precious in God's sight.

John Calvin (1536)



Ken Eldred's God Is at Work is a remarkable achievement and a gift to the Body of Christ. It is nothing short of a comprehensive theology of business as a calling but also as a Kingdom change agent. This book is a must-read for those who sense God's call to a business career as well as for those with a pastoral calling who desire greater insight into the major focus of the majority of those who make up their congregations. It is among the finest books of its kind that I have encountered in my 35 years pursuing my own business calling.

Edward G. Atsinger III
President and CEO, Salem Communications Corporation
Camarillo, California

This is more than a book. It is a handbook! Comprehensive, clear, compelling and carefully thought out, God Is at Work breaks new ground. "The opportunity is ripe for Kingdom business," and so is the timing for this expansive and valuable work.

John D. Beckett
Chairman, The Beckett Companies, Elyria, Ohio
Author, Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul

I am honored to be Ken's friend, local pastor and occasional hunting buddy. Ken is a global visionary; everything he does, whether business or church ministry, he does with the kingdom of God in mind. This powerful book is a must-read for people who see the "big picture."

Dick Bernal
Founder and Senior Pastor, Jubilee Christian Center
San Jose, California

For years, my mission has been to encourage those who have found professional success recognize how their talents and training can further God's Kingdom. God Is at Work speaks squarely to that objective in a refreshing way—by showing how those in the marketplace can pursue Kingdom business. Ken Eldred lays out the biblical basis for business as ministry and offers practical examples to illustrate how that can be pursued anywhere in the world. I recommend this book to businesspeople seeking to use their abilities and passions for God's glory.

Bob Buford
Founder, The Buford Foundation
Founder, Leadership Network
Author, Halftime and Finishing Well

Ken Eldred has discovered secrets to prosperity in the kingdom of God, and he reveals them in a simple and practical way for each person to take hold and make those blessings become his or her own.

Cesar Castellanos
Founder and Senior Pastor, Mission Charismatic International and G12

The title says it wonderfully: God is at work and is uniquely using Kingdom business to bring about spiritual, social and economic transformation in our world today. As Ken Eldred shows in this exciting book, artificial barriers between business and missions—between work and faith—are melting, and the Lord is using an unexpected tool—business—to reach the lost.

Christopher A. Crane
President and CEO, Opportunity International

Ken Eldred has written one of the most profound books that I have read in years. The program outlined in God Is at Work has the potential to revolutionize the missionary work of the Church. Ken shows how it is possible to use business not simply to fund missions, but also to do missions and evangelism more effectively than either could ever be done with the current methods. Moving beyond theory to actual results, Ken demonstrates that business is already being used to extend the kingdom of God in extraordinary ways, even in third world countries. I heartily recommend this book to all Christian businessmen, pastors and church leaders.

Dr. Jack Deere
Pastor and Author, Surprised by the Voice of God and Surprised by the Power of the Spirit

A meticulous study on God and business, God Is at Work provides both a theological and practical framework for understanding the potential of those in the marketplace to transform the world. This book offers helpful examples and ideas for Kingdom-minded businesspeople in all capacities and markets. As a venture capitalist, I found the practical discussion about Kingdom-focused investing particularly exciting. I have known Ken Eldred for years and can think of no person better suited to write this book. His integration of family life, business life and a passion for God has been a model for me and for others to follow.

Paul Kim
Managing Partner, Parakletos@Ventures

I have seen the incredible work of God transform Korea from the poorest nation on Earth in 1960 to the twelfth most developed country in the world today. God Is at Work pinpoints what has been the source of our economic success—the tremendous spiritual transformation of a large portion of our population—and shows that such spiritual transformation is the key to successful economic growth in other developing nations. Dr. Cho has always taught that those of us in the business world can advance the work of God through business development, but this book has put meat on that idea. I am so excited about the concept of Kingdom business that I have literally renamed my company to reflect its mission!

Soon Bae Kim
Head Elder, Yoido Full Gospel Church
Seoul, Korea

Ken Eldred has written the definitive work on the exciting business-as-missions movement. The movement comes alive through many examples and case studies explained by an accomplished, savvy businessman. But, whereas the participants of this movement may see only their little pieces, Ken has developed a systematic framework that explains how God will use their diverse activities to transform nations economically and spiritually. The book is scholarly in its carefully researched historical and biblical context, practical in its discussion of how to do Kingdom business, and inspirational in its call to action. I will use this book as the main text in my MBA course on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development.

John E. Mulford, Ph.D.
Professor and former Dean, Regent University School of Business
Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

During 35 years as a venture capitalist, I have found that the most important factor in assessing a new business venture is the venture's team. Before doing business with an entrepreneur, we carefully consider his or her integrity, character and reputation. God Is at Work wonderfully demonstrates that what holds true for winning Silicon Valley start-ups also applies universally to business around the world: Values and culture are foundational to successful business ventures.

John Mumford
Founding and General Managing Partner,
Crosspoint Venture Partners

All over the world today, God is using a new breed of missionary who has the same heart for service and the same passion to see the Kingdom expanded but is using business to do it. Ken Eldred is part of the leading edge of this Kingdom business movement that is sweeping the globe, bringing jobs, hope and new life in Christ to millions. The Church needs to recognize and embrace this fresh wave. Reading this book is a great way to start!

Luis Palau
President, Palau Association

God is presenting a new paradigm for missions in the twenty-first century—that of Kingdom business. In God Is at Work, Ken Eldred takes us step-by-step through this paradigm and explores the role that we as Christians have in this new move of God. God Is at Work will challenge you to see the work of His kingdom in new and powerful ways.

Pat Robertson
Founder and Chairman, The Christian Broadcasting Network
Host, The 700 Club
Author, Bring It On and Courting Disaster

In God Is at Work, Ken Eldred has captured a paradigm that is absolutely essential for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in our generation: how to use business to influence nations. Ken, a successful entrepreneur who has established successful Kingdom businesses in non-Christian nations, writes with the authority and insight of a seasoned practitioner. This book is a definite must for pulpit and marketplace ministers alike.

Ed Silvoso
President, Harvest Evangelism, Inc.
Author, Anointed for Business

Ken Eldred is a man focused on God's heart: missions. It's going to take major sources of capital to accomplish the task of worldwide evangelization, and Ken has a plan to make that happen. His life is accountable, and his track record is proven. May the Lord multiply Ken's plan and concept "a thousand times more" (Deut. 1:10, NKJV).

Larry Stockstill
Pastor, Bethany World Prayer Center
Author, The Cell Church


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